Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Burning bridge

The Edwards household seems to be busy and in flux. As a result we are not keeping up on this blog. Its been so long that updating the blog now almost seems like writing a letter to an old friend. Where to begin, what to leave in, what to leave out. Here are some highlights from our world as it is currently and lately:

Probably the biggest news is that we recently learned that Phineas has significant food allergies. We are pretty confident he is allergic to wheat and milk. He might be allergic lots of other things too, like eggs and soy, so we are holding back on introducing new foods until he can see the allergy specialist. We are taking this in stride and starting the transition to a diet that Phineas can eat. Val is taking this transition more seriously than me since it is possible that some allergens are passed through the breast milk. On the bright side we are going to be avoiding most processed food and should be eating healthier. Phineas has not exhibited any allergic reaction to smiling, laughing, playing, crying, or venison. Bottom line - he is a normal kid.

Val went to Kansas City for work in Mid-December. She is a mom Samurai. She has to be to survive taking a 9 month old on all those long flights in the midst of holiday travel. Sue drove through blizzard conditions and bad roads to meet Val and Phin to do a little grandma duty. The draw of KC BBQ was strong but I stayed home partly to avoid all the holiday music piped into the airports. While Val and Phin were gone my dad and Ryan came to Sitka to do some deer hunting. We got one small buck. Happily the family harvested four deer this year (so far). This is plenty of deer for our freezer and for the freezers in Anchorage.

Phineas mastered the art of crawling much faster than we mastered the art of chasing a crawling toddler. A number of times I have caught him with a dog toy in his mouth or going for the toilet. It’s a mystery to me why these are such irrestitable draws to Phin. Phin has started working on standing unsupported. He might stand for a few seconds at a time. He can stand a little longer every day. Walking can’t be far off. Chaos continues.

I am not much of a holiday person. I am neither religious nor spiritual and I try to resist crazy commercialism (gifting is fun though). For me the holidays are equal parts tolerance for others and practice at not sticking my foot in my mouth. I am not particularly good at either. It is also an exercise in tolerance for Val because she has to put up with me. We do have some Edwards holiday traditions we agree on. Festivus is one. If you aren’t familiar with Festivus, check it on Wikipedia. Another holiday tradition we agree on is a tree. Obtaining a tree from our vast woods is a family event that I cherish. I would prefer that we leave the tree in its natural un-ornamented state, Val knows this and decorates the tree a little more sparingly than if it was entirely up to her. Lastly, I like my ugly holiday sweater with the snowmen on it. I will wear it all week long. This brings Val some holiday cheer from me and I can stay grumpy.

Taking the tree home.

Phin showing "so big".  We are returning from an ill fated trip to a wilderness cabin. The seas did not cooperate.

Phin hanging with his future 4th grade teacher.

Lovin' the tub!

See the nubs (i.e. teeth.)

Our neigbor has chickens, ducks, and a rabbit.  They all spend considerable time in our yard where they are always welcome.  Phin has discovered the spare animals and loves to watch.

Phin does a little editing to my legal work.  I am too wordy anyway.